Meet our People – Ann-Lo


Hi Ann-Lo. What do you do at BUMAX?
As the Material Planner here at BUMAX, I make sure we have the steel we need in our warehouse in Åshammar to manufacture our fasteners. I have a good overview of the types and quantities of steel needed in our production that will end up in our machines. This involves always being one step ahead in planning our material needs. I use our internal ordering system and work closely with our Purchasing Department, where I have previously worked.

What do you like about your job?
I like the fact that my job is so varied and challenging. Every day is different, and after just two years in my current role, I still learn new things every day. Being surrounded by such competent and knowledgeable colleagues is also a huge positive!

How have you developed at BUMAX?
I have certainly become an expert on different types of steel. But there really is a huge amount to learn and I feel I am still developing every day.

What do you like doing in your free time?
I enjoy traveling, keep fit training and skiing.

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