Meet our People – Joakim


Hi Joakim. What do you do in your current role?
I take customer specifications and make the necessary calculations to see if they are possible to produce, and if so, calculate what they will cost to manufacture. I make detailed technical calculations for new products and design the actual manufacturing tools we need here at the factory. I am also involved in investment projects, such as for new machines.

What do you like most about your job?
It is a varied role and I constantly learn new things. This includes what works and what doesn’t work and developing solutions to overcome challenges in our production.

How have you developed at BUMAX?
I worked first as a machine operator for 18 months, before being trained to be a production engineer. I have participated in courses on project management and material knowledge, but I would say that I have learnt most on the job in my daily work.

What are the best things about working at BUMAX?
There is a lot of competence within BUMAX and we learn from each other. We are proud of what we do and work to develop solutions together. I work a lot with our operators to develop the best production solutions.

What do you like to do in your free time?
My young family in Åshammar keeps me busy!

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